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 Mentor Information 



   Joanna is a kindergarten teacher at Carroll Elementary, and has

been a teacher there for 8 years. At Carroll Elementary, she

shares her classroom with another teacher as her school

functions on tracks. She has been a teacher for 13 years and

has experience teaching grades Kinder - 3rd grade. Joanna has

a Bachelor's Degree in liberal studies and a Multiple-Subject

Teaching Credential; she also took classes to get a supplemental

Single-Subject Credential in English and Science.

   One of the ways my mentor has helped me the most was with

her patience. There were many times when I had to reschedule

our meetings due to personal reasons, or even times when when

we did meet, I had shown up empty handed. I was not as on top of my deadlines as I should have been, so there were times when I didn't have much to offer to my mentor, but she stayed patient with me and helped brainstorm for ideas, answered any questions I had, and gave me any tips when I did have a story idea to build upon.




Below is my Track Approval Form

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